Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Insanity in the family

Hello again. I've been offline due to a storm. So this blog is coming to you via my new iPhone. It's a little uncomfortable but I'll manage. Insanity in the family for me means just that. I will not publish the goofy things my family does. I'm not out for revenge and I would never want my mom and sisters hurt. Our theatre is currently performing Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods. Sondheim puts poetry to music. Into the Woods was on broadway in 1987 and was totally overshadowed by Phantom of the Opera. The lyrics of ITW are gorgeous. Full of metaphor,imagery, symbolism, and figurative language. It definitely fits the definition of a classic piece of work because you instantly recognize it as Sondheim, it flows with universal themes of all kinds, and each time you listen to it you are compelled to experience something in your past or present. The song that grips me this time around is called "No More." It is sung by a father and a son but could easily be interpreted parent/child. I would like for my mom and sisters to hear this song several times but they probably never will, not in their lifetimes.

This blog is meant to be helpful. Not sappy. The last thing I'll say about my family is the birthday lunch they have planned for me this Thursday, spearheaded by my mother. I'm pissed about it (is pissed ok to say in a blog? If the profanity police are out there reading you can cut pissed and just say ticked off but pissed pretty much captures how I feel) I'm trying very hard to figure out why it makes me mad. It will take a while to decipher the feelings on this one.

I'm still exercising and still eating. Weight has plateaued. Probably because yesterday at la Madeline I discovered my favorite lunch there has 1070 calories in it. Ahhhhh.

Disclaimer: I do NOT blame my mother and my sisters for my weight. I'm the one that lifts the food to my mouth. That statement is probably a huge step forward.

I'm not Oprah

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