Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm not Dead

The dates are wrong on my blog.  I went back in to edit spelling and I must have hit something that changed the dates.  There's a part of me that hates computers.  I tried for two solid hours to hook up my daughter's ATT data port wireless thingy to her mac today and was totally lost. 

Whatever......   I went swimming early today cause I really wanted to make it to church.  Doing a lot of thanking God these days.  And I actually have clothes that fit now, except they are all black.  Which is so stupid to wear black when it is 110 degrees outside even if they are capris.  (is that how you spell that?) oh well, so I went swimming.  As I approach the pool I notice the gate is ajar once again and it looks like someone left trash or a back pack by the pool.  I get closer and determine that the trash is really a pair of tennis shoes and wadded up socks and a man's wallet.  I look at the wallet and it belongs to a 25 year old guy from out west of here.  Like four hours away.  On the other side of the pool the supposed back pack is really a pair of bluejeans, belt intact folded with a cell phone nearby.  Wherever the guy was he was obviously naked because all of his clothes were in front of me.  And he wasn't at the bottom of the pool nor was he in the grass nearby.  That's exactly what I told the police when I called the NON-EMERGENCY number.  I also stated I had not inspected the bathrooms because I did not want to find a dead body.  It never occured someone could be in the bathroom nearly dead and needing help.  Besides my knees get weak and I usually pass out or freeze in emergency situations.  I've been really frightened before and I know....I'm worthless. 

The policeman arrives and I suggest he check the bathrooms first and as he opens the men's door I say," I hope there isn't a dead body in there and a man answers back, "I'm not dead." Apparently a victim of poor judgement and lousy friends, this young man didn't remember how he got there.  No beer cans or drug paraphernalia or car anywhere in sight but he admitted having too much to drink.  The officer ask me to go get his clothes. When I brought them back I erupted with some very long held emotions about letting his mother worry, about someone in the world loving him, how dangerous alcohol and swimming can be when you're THAT drunk, and the true definition of friends and at 25 he should know better and grow up and I really can't remember the rest.  It wasn't a planned speech.  When I finished, the police officer ask me if I was ok.  And then he added, with a smile, that he couldn't have made the same impact on the young man.  The kid called his mother before he left in the back of the squad car.  He is on my prayer list. 

Chance encounters like that always make me think about what is God's plan.  It wasn't for that young man to die last night.  It was for me to find him this morning and tell him someone out there loves him very much and that he needs to rethink what he is doing with that love. 

Yes,  I still went swimming.  Didn't put my head under though.

As always,

I'm Not Oprah

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