Saturday, August 14, 2010

Encouragement vs. Will Power

Encouagement while trying to lose weight is a tricky thing.  In the past, when someone was kind enough to say, "Wow those pants look like they are going to fall off. How much weight have you lost?" I would take it as permission to go eat ice cream at Braums.  That has got to be some weird mental quirk.  I am trying to re-wire my brain to say "thank you" to comments like that and keep working.  Invariably, you do run into people who haven't seen you in several months.  Last night was one of those times.  In the reception line at the theatre, a good friend from another town remarked, "Look at your face. You're losing weight!"  I was thrilled.  So pleased with myself.  This time though I did not go out with the gang afterwards to celebrate with a huge bowl of chips and queso. (This is a standard practice in theatre, or at least in our small town.  Generally, after one or more weekend performances a group from the theatre goes out for drinks/dinner after the show.We digest our performance along with the food, discussing everything from the lines missed to the mood of the audience.  Live theatre is so entertaining. But that is really for another blog, one called hobbies.)

I purposely took separate cars to the theatre so I could drive straight home.  I don't have the will power yet.  I spoke with my husband and he understands.  I want to go out with friends, but going out with friends ALWAYS centers around fooooooood.  I'm making myself hungry just talking about it.  When I tried weight watchers I use to carry a bag of baked chips in my trunk so I be ready for impromptu restaurant outings.

I weighed this morning and I'm down a few more ounces. I also put my swimsuit on immediately.  Thinking if I have it on I will drag my still fat butt to the pool. 

I'm going.


I'm Not Oprah

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