Saturday, August 14, 2010


I think an explanation is needed.  I ask a friend what a blog was.  She told me an online journal of sorts.  I need to journal.  Some say it is cathartic.             Now I can't seem to get away from the color key.  Ohhh I need to mention I got a typewriter for college graduation.  This blog will go nowhere fast if I can't even figure out how to type on a computer.  I'm truly not that backward.    My profile says I'm not Oprah.  I'm so not Oprah I had to google her to find out how to spell her name.  I'm not Oprah because I'm trying to lose weight and keep it off.  That's all the phrase means.  I really have nothing against the woman.  It is just a little phrase to remind me that no matter how rich, how famous, how smart you may appear you can have a fat butt, lose weight and still have the fat butt come back to visit you and stick around for several years. 

Back to the idea of blogging.  It strikes me as odd that anyone, I repeat anyone would have the ego to think that some stranger might me interested in their opinion or views about any subject.  I have never read a blog, though I have friends that do.  I listen to talk radio. I listen to find out what they are talking about not necessarily their opinion.   I heard one guy say you need to write something daily if you are going to have a blog.  I will try. And I will go to the profile to try to figure out how to profile my blog.  Here's a start and I wonder if they have keys, buttons or descriptions for this: overweight, past menopause, happily YES happily married and from a dysfunctional family that truly makes me feel like I'm the crazy one.  (Oh please there has to be someone out there that might benefit from my life experiences.  I've always thought God let's you be put throught hell and back just so you can offer a compassionate ear to your fellow man.)

I started exercising a week ago.  First time I have every included diet and exercise together.  By diet I am counting calories.  By exercise, I am swimming in the neighborhood pool.  And in one week I lost 4 pounds.  I was floored.  It really works.  I think I have trust issues. (Never believed the ole "diet and exercise" phrase.  For years I would diet....then I would exercise.  But never together.  Maybe I am the crazy one? I didn't believe my son's oatmeal bowl could change colors with heat till they sent me one in the mail and I tried it.  That was in 1988.)

Going to go before husband gets home. Not yet ready to spring this on him. 


I'm Not Oprah

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