Friday, September 10, 2010

Cut Out the Excuses

I interviewed a man years ago (more than 20) for an article on exercise.  I was writing a promotional piece for a local fittness center.  (I worked for the parent company.) The man would get up at 4:30 every morning to exercise.  Personally I thought he was crazy, but he said something that stuck with me.  You know, one of those thoughts that just keeps floating around in your brain.  He said, "Cut out the excuses not to exercise."  I have thought recently of all the excuses I gave myself in the past 5 years while my muscles diminished and my thighs got larger.  All my excuses center around the weather.  Can't walk in the heat, can't walk in the cold, can't walk in the rain, can't walk in the wind cause my hat would blow off and heaven forbid I might get skin cancer blah, blah, blah. My excuses for not using the neighborhood pool were also endless.  The main one being I don't like chlorine.  If I ever had a pool I think I'd like a salt water pool. 

Excuses used by my friends also entertain me.  One friend would always say when I invited her to go walking,..."I just don't like to sweat."  All I can say to that excuse is Hello Menopot, stick around FOREVER.  And then she would say,"I just don't want to shower twice a day."  I showered twice yesterday which got me thinking about her.  Yes she's overweight and no she does not currently read this blog.  But she might one day and if she does she needs to know I am mad at her for her stupid excuses.  Hmmmmm I need to study the anger part of that.  Why would I get mad at someone for doing what I did for the last five years? 

I've been showering twice daily now for weeks.  It's irritating cause all  my hair color is washing out and I'm slathering on the lotion.  THAT being said.....I weighed this morning and I weigh the least I have since I started my journey.  I suppose my menopot is shrinking.  I certainly doesn't look like it. 

Sincerely trying to cut out alllllllll the excuses,

I'm Not Oprah

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